Pressure inequalities for Gibbs measures of countable Markov shifts.arxiv Dynamical Systems 2021
Effective counting for discrete lattice orbits in the plane via Eisenstein series.
with C. Burrin, A. Nevo, B. Weiss.
arxiv L'Enseignement Mathématique 2021
Survey on Counting by Smoothing (around the problem addressed in "Effective counting for discrete lattice orbits in the plane via Eisenstein series").Notes
Arbeitsgemeinschaft 2018: Rigidity of Stationary Measure.Stationary measures on moduli spaces.
Report(free access)
Arbeitsgemeinschaft 2012: Ergodic Theory and Combinatorial Number Theory. Green-Tao and Tao-Ziegler Theorems II.
Report(free access)
Counting Saddle Connections
Here is a lecture of mine on the asymptotics of saddle connections on translation surfaces. Describes collaboration with Claire Burrin, Barak Weiss, Amos Nevo and Michael Magee.
Video BIRS.
Cut-and-Project Quasicrystals
Lecture about classification cut-and-project quasicrystals and and asymptotics for patches of generic quasicrystals. Describes joint work with Barak Weiss and Yotam Smilansky.
Video ICTS(Related) Slides
Counting Saddle Connections
Short talk on collaboration with Barak Weiss and Amos Nevo.
Video Warwick Notes
Senior Post Doc Weizmann Institute of Science. 2020-2023.
Post Doc Technion. 2018-2020.
Post Doc Tel Aviv University. 2015-2018.
Visit Israel Institute For Advances Studies. Hebrew University of Jerusalem 09/2013-02/2014.
PhD in Mathematics at ETH Zürich. 2011-2015.
Doctoral thesis: Some applications of effective unipotent dynamics.
Bsc & Msc in Mathematics at ETH Zürich. 2007-2011.
Master thesis: Weak bounds on the asymptotics of the discrete spectrum of ∆ on H/Γ.