Category: random number generator

  • On Hash Functions for the GPU

    This blog posts shows how the PCG2D hash function works geometrically. Further, we discuss a quantitative statistical test that may help to optimize parameters as compared to classical pass/fail test suites.

  • Sampling the disk from a square: The adoption method

    We introduce a new disk sampling algorithm that maps the square locally isometrically to the disk. Similar as to the classical rejection algorithm, this allows to push low discrepancy sampling strategies from the square to the disk with no warping. In contrast to rejection, it is amenable to SIMD implementations and our benchmark shows 2-3x…

  • Random walk method for quaternions

    The random walk method on the space of unit quaternions produces uniformly distributed quaternions without trigonometric functions. We study some performance and quality properties. CPU benchmarks show favorable results compared to the classical algorithm. Using shared memory, speedups can also be found on the GPU. Implementations in SIMD and GLSL are provided. (Note: This post…